Home Remedies
for Stretch Marks

For generations women have relied on home remedies for stretch marks to help prevent and get rid of their pregnancy "battle scars."

Unfortunately, the verdict is still out as to whether or not remedies for stretch marks acutally work.

Of course try telling that to the many women (myself included) who swear by stretch mark remedies.

At the very least, stretch mark remedies will help keep your skin silky smooth and moisturized.

Before stocking up on expensive miracle creams, try one of the following wallet-friendly natural skin care remedies for stretch marks first.

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butter for Stretch Marks

Cocoa Butter for Stretch Marks

While its rich chocolatey aroma is irresistible, it's cocoa butter's skin benefits we love most! Cocoa butter is a highly praised stretch mark balm, and without a doubt one of the most popular home remedies for stretch marks.

Cocoa butter is super moisturizing and loaded with skin protective antioxdants that help prevent and diminish stretch marks.

Make your own stretch mark remedy with this simple recipe from Return to Beauty: Old-World Recipes for Great Radiant Skin by Narine Nikogosian.

"Cocoa-E Lotion"

3 vitamin E capsules

2 tablespoons cocoa butter

Cut off the ends of the capsules and squeeze the oil into a small bowl.

Add the cocoa butter and stir well.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks

Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks

One whiff of coconut oil, and your thoughts quickly drift away to white sandy beaches lined with swaying palm trees and bikini clad beauties.

Snapped back to reality by those pesky bikini clad beauties, you're goal is even more clear...get rid of these stretch marks!

The good news, is coconut oil heals skin fast! Coconut is a master at repairing injured and damaged skin tissue, and can help you in your quest to prevent or get rid of stretch marks.

While coconut oil can't get rid of all scars, it has been proven to be one of the most effective home remedies for stretch marks and scars. In fact, studies have shown coconut oil to be a more effective stretch mark remedy than cocoa butter.

Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil for Stretch Marks

Lavender Oil for Stretch Marks

Its fresh and clean scent is what first helped lavender oil become a must have natural beauty oil.

Of course its healing and regenerative properties, are what eventually made it the essential oil star it is today.

Lavender oil has been proven to help prevent and reduce scars, including those dreaded stretch marks.

Making your own stretch mark oil is easy with this simple recipe from Aromatherapy and Massage for Mother and Baby by Allison England.

Lavender Stretch Mark Oil

4 tablespoons of almond oil

1 tablespoon of avocado oil

7 drops of lavender oil

5 drops of neroli oil

Apply to your thighs, hips, and stomach area several times daily.

**Always consult a medical professional before using essential oils when pregnant.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil for Stretch Marks

Olive Oil for Stretch Marks

A mainstay in most kitchens, olive oil is probably one of the most readily available home remedies for stretch marks.

This healthy cooking oil is loaded with skin loving antioxidants that help keep skin soft and supple, and maybe even stretch mark free!

To help minimize or prevent stretch marks using olive oil, simply rub the oil on your skin at least twice daily.

Shea Butter

Shea Butter for Stretch Marks

Shea Butter for Stretch Marks

Shea butter is definitely the star of the show when it comes to banishing stretch marks.

Shea butter has been used in Africa for thousands of years to beautify, heal, and protect the skin.

Rich in skin loving vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, E, and F, Shea butter is one of my favorite home remedies for stretch marks.

Find out how I was able to get rid of stretch marks using shea butter.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E for Stretch Marks

Vitamin E for Stretch Marks

Skin loving vitamin E is one of the most widely used home remedies for stretch marks. When applied to to the skin, this super vitamin heals, nourishes, and protects the skin.

Apply the contents of a vitamin E capsule directly to the skin, mix it with your favorite skin moisturizer, or create your own "Cocoa-E Lotion"

This site was created in order to share information about the benefits of choosing natural skin care, and should not be construed as a substitute for medical treatment or diagnosis. The claims about ingredients and products throughout this site have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended nor approved to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent disease.